Friday, August 6, 2010

What is Important in a Marriage?

(These are some of our notes that we have been working on. This outline is not complete yet. We would like to get your thoughts on the topics below (especially the questions about Love). You can post a comment or send an e-mail to us at Thanks! We look forward to your feedback.)

A. Putting God 1st - It takes 3 to agree. 2 imperfect people + 1 perfect God.

1. Prayer

a. together as a couple.

b. for one another.

c. for guidance/decision making.

d. to help you to be what your spouse needs.

e. to prevent attacks from satan on your marriage.

f. for strength for daily living .

2. Living according to his Word.

3. Seeking God through Bible reading/studying and prayer.

4. Attending church regularly.

5. Being active in ministry.

B. Communicating – (needs to be done in a loving and respectful way)

1. Feelings, desires, hopes, dreams, fears.

2. How you feel about the current state of your marriage, things you would like to see change or improve and discuss ways to make that happen.

C. Love

1. What is Love?

2. What does it mean when you say "I Love You" ?

3. Different types of Love.

D. Communicating Love (5 Love Languages)

1. Words of Affirmation

2. Quality Time

3. Gifts

4. Acts of Service

5. Physical Touch


  1. You can't forget trust. It is an important part also.

  2. We agree. Trust is very important in a marriage. We believe that doing the things listed in the above post is all part of building the trust that is essential to having a solid and stable marriage. We will be creating a separate post that goes into more detail about the importance of trust in a marriage and what is required from both people to build trust. Thanks for your comment!
